Watch the incredible performances above

Summer Voices Showcase

We celebrated the summer solstice with the uplifting power of art at our Summer Voices performance showcase on Thursday, June 20 —held at Cornish’s Raisbeck Auditorium. With a variety of lively performances by Participant Artists from the PwA Band and Choir, PwA Veterans Choir, Dance, Brazilian Drumming, Scene Acting, and more, this event was entertaining and enjoyed by all, and can still be viewed with our livestream on YouTube here.

PRIDE at Path with art

PRIDE at Path with Art coincided with the Third Thursday Uptown Art Walk on Thursday, May 16, from 5 to 7 p.m., and was on display through June 28th. The exhibition can be viewed online here.

This was our first ever PRIDE at Path with Art celebrating the work of our LGBTQIA+ artists. In 2023, 30% of the Path with Art participant population identified as LGBTQIA+, and our new LGBTQIA+ Open Studio was started as a space for participants to create community through art. Featuring artwork made both by artists in the community and during our LGBTQIA+ Open Studio, this exhibition showcased what pride, identity, community and queer joy means through several artworks. 

Spring Visions | Imagination to Expression: A Healing Journey

Spring Visions debuted on Thursday, April 18 and remained in the gallery through June 28, 2024. This past exhibition can be viewed online here.

Imagination to Expression explored the profound process of healing and self-expression through art. This exhibition provided a powerful platform for Path with Art’s Participant Artists to navigate self-awareness, inner expression, reflection, and personal growth through multidisciplinary artwork.

Weaving together memories of healing and portrayals of strength, courage, and creativity, Participant Artists immersed themselves in a journey using a wide range of artistic mediums; from photojournalism to sewing, painting to writing, and even publishing. This exhibition offered a glimpse into the unique expressions and perceptions that unlock the imagination.

Awoken: Spoken Word & Movement Performance

On Tuesday, January 30, 2024, we witnessed a dynamic performance by Path with Art Teaching Artists Melany Bell and Trevor Taylor.

Melany produces functional ritual work as art installations; recently rendering two spoken word performances, ’AWOKEN’ & 'UN-JEALOUSED'. Both questioned the infinite during the events leading to the George Floyd Massacres, addressing the polarizing issues of gender & race-based violence, as well as the pain of becoming a human or nation that lives up to its advertising.

Trevor Taylor is a compassionate teacher committed to breaking barriers, Trevor's yoga journey began in college at Baylor University and evolved through an impactful mentorship & self-study. Now, with a profound blend of personal development and philosophy, Trevor aims to create a space where individuals from all backgrounds feel welcome and supported on their path to holistic well-being.

Sounds of Belonging: A Transformational Showcase

On Thursday, December 14th, 2023, we enjoyed a showcase of performances by Participant Artists from Path with Art at Tagney Jones Hall (Seattle Opera).

This performance highlighted the profound impact art has had on individuals and communities. Through their creative process, they reclaimed agency, fostered empathy and understanding, and united as human beings, allowing us as viewers to experience an elevating showcase of creative voices from our Participant Artists.

Coming Back Together: A Place of Belonging

Displayed at our artHOME from October 20 through March 29, 2023, Coming Back Together: A Place of Belonging was a reminder that, through art, we can find our place of belonging—a space where differences are celebrated, isolation is banished, and the power of collective creativity shines. Through classes, ambassador-led sessions, cohort-specific workshops, open studios and jam sessions, the artHome has become that place.  These engagements are not just about acquiring skills but bringing people together in a beautifully unscripted way.