In 2019, Path with Art piloted cohort-specific programming for Veterans and Latinos to support individuals who would benefit from being connected with others with similar lived experiences. We are currently expanding this successful program to reach additional groups that would benefit from trauma-informed, peer-specific engagement. These cohorts provide a supportive creative community and a safe space for recovery, exploration, and healing.
Veterans COHORT
We launched the Veterans Cohort in 2019, growing from 30 to 504 participants in 2023. Central to the success of this initiative is the guidance of our Veteran Steering committee and the unique perspectives of our growing number of Veteran Ambassadors. Our Veterans community is very important to PwA, we are inspired by their resilience and courage daily and feel honored to work with individuals who have served our country.
Este programa existe para organizar actividades creativas para la comunidad latina. En el 2023, realizamos nuestra primera clase de 8 semanas, “Clase de Canto”, en español y fue un gran éxito. Invitamos cordialmente a esta comunidad a participar en las clases, eventos, estudios abiertos y más.
This program was made to organize creative activities for our Latino community. In 2023, we held our first 8-week class, “Clase de Canto,” taught fully in Spanish and it was a huge success. We warmly invite the Latino community to join us for classes, events, open studios, and more.
Gender based violence COHORT
Path with Art has been partnering with gender-based, sexual exploitation, and domestic violence-specific service organizations for over ten years, including Jubilee Women's Center, New Beginnings, Sophia Way, and Real Escape from the Sex Trade (REST) in our regular programming. This cohort was created to foster a supportive community & a safe space to rebuild a sense of self, develop agency, and create opportunities for personal expression and healing. More information coming soon.
Reintegration from incarceration COHORT
Individuals facing reintegration from incarceration face many challenges in our society today, including isolation, stigmatization, and the need to develop skills and develop self efficacy. Path with Art is working closely with The WA Innocence Project and other organizations to establish cohort programming that fosters a sense of belonging specifically for formerly incarcerated individuals, youth, and families. This cohort is a warm and welcoming space for creative expression and community connection. More information coming soon.