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Music Program

Studies show that music has immense effects on the emotions, and promotes recovery for everything from stress to physical disabilities. This past year, students worked with Seattle Symphony musicians to compose original works, built a mobile sound sculpture with the artist Trimpin, and even started playing with a band with roots in one of our social service partners, Plymouth Housing Group. What’s next?

We’re bringing even more excellence into the classroom with Camille Bloom, our newest Teaching Artist who will instruct Path with Art’s The Art of Songwriting, starting in January of 2018. Music Connection Magazine distinguished Camille as one of the Top 100 Independent artists of 2012 – and her most recent album made the Top 10 albums of 2016 by L.A. Music Critics Awards. In the last 9 years, Camille has completed over 30 national and international tours, and has been added to over 250 major and college radio stations throughout the U.S. and Western Europe. 

As a teaching artist for Path with Art, Camille will teach students who are interested in songwriting, helping them achieve even more than they already have. A student who recently worked with Trimpin to compose music for the mobile sound sculpture told us a little bit about his experience with that process: “I closed my eyes and imagined how those words should sound, and it's synesthesia, like people who taste colors, the beat and the melody and the words magically appear as one thought… [I] never knew I had this kind of music in me.” We know Camille’s classes will extend this experience of integrating sound and poetry, helping our students reach their fullest potential through creative expression.  

Path with Art Veteran's Cohort Registration Form

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Basic Information

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Program Eligibility

Please select the organization and a point person below. This could be a case manager, housing manager, resident services coordinator, or a staff member who works closely with you or supports you on site.

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Demographic Information
We collect demographic information to have a thorough understanding of our student body, which helps us better our programs to meet the needs of our community. Your personal information is kept strictly confidential. 


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Path with Art Policies
1. Path wtih Art permits no more than 2 excused absences per 8 week term.  If you know that you are unable to attend an upcoming class, a rehearsal or Access Art event, you are required to contact the office on the program line at 206-601-7112.  Future eligibility for opportunities including advanced classes, exhibitions, and performing arts showcases may be dependent upon following this policy.

2. Registered service or emotional support dogs are welcome in Path with Art classrooms, but you are always responsible for managing the behavior of your service animal. Should there be an issue that causes a disruption in the classroom, Path with Art may ask you to remove your dog from the space. 

3. We keep your information private, but may share your participation with your social services provider.  If you would like to allow informational access to someone outside of the social service organization to support you in attendance or participation in Path with Art programming, contact the office.  


Photography and Documentation

 Please click "Submit" below to complete your registration.