Registration for the Fall quarter is closed. You can still register for the

Path with Art Singers and Open Studio.


Please confirm your eligibility before registering.


Path with ARt singers

October 17 to December 5 [8 sessions]

Octave 9 | at the corner of 2nd + Union near 1321 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA

If you love to sing or have always wanted to sing, this is the group for you! We will focus on learning fundamental music skills and knowledge as well as singing and vocal technique. We will apply what we learn by using the voice as our musical instrument while learning songs and singing as a group. Come sing with us! All experience levels welcome.

You may register for this class in addition to another class.

This is an in-person class. See our in-person policies here.



Singing from the Heart

TEACHING ARTIST: Liz Frazer TUESDAys, 1-3 pm
October 18 to December 6 [8 sessions]


This is the class for you if you want to sing virtually every week! Singing is empowering. It can help us communicate and connect with each other, and experience emotions in ways that feel safe. For anyone who has ever felt silenced, this is an opportunity to help us be heard and get loud. Through in-class exercises and demonstrations we will learn more about how the voice works, and begin to prepare a song for performance. Practicing singing skills will build confidence as you find your voice. We'll end the class with a performance by anyone who would like to sing! All are welcome. No previous experience needed.



Creating Works of Art through Mobile Photography

TEACHING ARTIST: Meghan E. Jones Tuesdays, 1-3 PM
October 18 to December 6 [8 sessions]


Do you want to learn how to take phone photos that don’t look like phone photos? Join us as we learn the secrets to taking better photographs with our mobile devices! We’ll deep dive into light and composition and how together they create works of art. We will search for inspiration within ourselves that will tell our own personal story. Then we will find how to best edit your photos right in palm of your hand. All levels of photography experience and all types of mobile phones are welcome. Let’s make gorgeous photographs together!



Introduction to Wheel throwing

Tuesdays, 1-3:30 PM
October 18 to December 6 [8 sessions]

Yu Tang Ceramics | 4019 Aurora Ave N

This class is for those who would like to learn or reacquaint themselves with the fundamentals of ceramic wheel throwing techniques. Bowls, cups, mugs, plates, and vases are all forms made on the wheel. Partcipants are invited to explore the theme of Metamorphosis through the creation process and expression of personal identity. This will be through learning and creating wheel thrown forms, exploring techniques of underglazing, inlay, texture, and sculptural techniques. No prior experience is necessary. Demonstrations are given at the beginning of each class. Instruction is catered to what people in the group wish to learn and create. The class is structured into five weeks of wet work, two weeks of glazing, and one final showcase class.

This is an in-person class. See our in-person policies here.



Songs and Soundscapes: Collaborative Music Production

TEACHING ARTIST: Stuart Zobel Wednesdays, 1-3 PM
October 19 to December 7 [8 sessions]

ArtHome | 200 Mercer St

We will collaboratively write and record at least one song based using vocals, acoustic instruments, synths and drum machines. Together we will learn songwriting skills, as well as song production techniques and a little music theory. All levels of singers and instrumentalists are welcome, and we will provide instruments as necessary. It is time to rock!

This is an in-person class. See our in-person policies here.



Abstract Drawing

Wednesdays, 3 - 5 PM
October 19 - December 7 [8 sessions]


This is a drawing and painting class for anyone who is looking to express themselves in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Together, we will be imaginative and learn tools for creating our own work on canvas using pencils, acrylic paint, and brushes. This class is an opportunity to release any ideas of perfection and have fun with materials. Looking at our mixed-media projects in-class we will value style, color, and self-expression above technique. In-class demonstrations and guided warm-ups will get our creativity flowing. Dedicated work time in class will allow for you to play and create. No prior experience is necessary––just a desire to have fun and learn.



The Animals of Poetry

Wednesdays, 3-5 pm
November 9 to December 14 [6 sessions]


In this class we'll examine how animals and animalistic imagery appear in poems. We'll enter these poems together as well as explore themes of wildness and transformation through our own writing. Through the medium of words we will contemplate our own place among the animals, observe the ways we impact our surroundings, and consider the specter of extinction. We'll approach the realm of writing as an ecosystem, a dynamic natural world in which our ideas, and voices, and writing tools can uplift survival and build sustainability.


Improv for Everyone

Thursdays, 1-3 pm
October 20 to December 15 [8 sessions, no class november 24]


This class will teach you how to collaborate with others to spontaneously create scenes that tell stories. In a nonjudgemental learning environment, you learn how to make your scene partner look good. Being present and available to the moment, you will learn to respond with simplicity to make a scene that has never been seen before.

Metamorphosis through Print and Bookmaking

Thursdays, 2-4 pm
October 20 to December 15 [8 sessions, no class November 24]

ArtHome | 200 Mercer St

A metamorphosis is a transformation through various stages. Over the last two pandemic-driven years, we have all experienced change; we have all been transformed. In this class, using printmaking as a medium, we will create a circle book that will function as a diary of sorts. Through it, we will explore -- both visually and with words -- our own personal transformations. Class time will be split between hands-on demonstrations and work time. Each participant will leave with a deeper print practice, as well as their own circle book to continue adding to after class.

This is an in-person class. See our in-person policies here.

Personal Performance and Storytelling

Thursdays, 2-4 pm
October 20 to December 15 [8 Sessions, no class November 24]

Cornish College of the arts | 1000 Lenora St

Personal Performance and Storytelling will combine skill training in writing, acting, and solo performance, to create a unique class focused on performing your stories, and the stories created by you. Gavin Reub and his award-winning theatre company The Seagull Project, will bring a wide range of writers and performers as guest teachers to help perfect your personal performance, and to provide a bevy of tools for your writing and theatrical toolbox. The class will culminate in a public performance, showcasing your stories and skills created throughout the quarter.

This is an in-person class. See our in-person policies here.


Open to the entire Path with Art community. You may sign up for the BELOW workshop in addition to A class, AS WELL AS an art kit.


Jam Sessions

October 16 and November 27 [2 sessions]

ArtHome | 200 Mercer St

Our Community Jam Sessions are returning! Participant Artists and musician volunteers gather and play music together informally and unrehearsed. These two-hour jam sessions drop-in format, no commitment required. Attendees are invited to bring their own instruments if they have one, but we also have instruments available including microphones, guitars, a bass, synthesizers, drums and other percussion, a keyboard and more. Participants are also welcome to enjoy the event as audience and community members, cheering on the musicians.



Actin’ Up! Improv

TEACHING ARTIST: Taylor Tinsley Fridays, 2-4 pm
October 21 and 28 [2 sessions]

Acting and improv fuels our creativity and encourages us to expect the unexpected. In this all-levels course we will explore our relationship with ourselves and others through theater games, participant-led activities, and lots of wacky challenges. Let’s break the rules and act up! No prior experience necessary.


Concepts of Creative ExpRession

TEACHING ARTIST: Luz Helena Thompson
Fridays, 2-4 pm
December 2 and 9 [2 sessions]


Are you ready to dive into your own individual creative expression? Teaching Artist Luz Helena Thompson will guide you through a series of exercises in various mediums to help you uncover what resonates and also expand your self confidence and your artistic voice. Through this two-session workshop, we will complete short exercises, such as; an introduction to abstract sketching, creative writing, and drawing with the non-dominant hand. Participants will have several activities to complete and take part in tasks that involve sketching, shading, drawing, journaling, and creative writing. This workshop is great for beginners and more experienced artists. Please bring a pencil with eraser and piece of paper to each session.


Art Kit:
PersonaL Scrapbooking - Memory and Meditation

by Jade Willis

Materials Mailed to Participants

This art kit is all about self-expression and personal creative growth. Tell your own story using the included journaling and scrapbook prompts as your guide. In the kit, you will find some step-by-step tutorials for free-drawing/sketching, scrapbooking hacks, and collage suggestions. Pour it all out on the pages! What motivated you to be your artistic self? What journey have you taken to get here? This freeform journal is for YOU, so I encourage you to dig deep and have fun.




In-Person on Select Fridays, 1-4pm PDT
October 14 + 28, November 11 + 18, December 9 + 16
ArtHome | 200 Mercer St

This is a Drop-In class, no prior registration is necessary.

Open Studio is a supportive space to work on individual creative projects, share artwork, and connect with peers. Creative Mentors are available for one-on-one support. For virtual open studios, use whatever supplies you have on hand. For in-person, we will have art supplies available. Let’s make some art together!